AudioMulch Interactive Music Studio Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Ross Bencina All Rights Reserved This is a Beta Test Version, please read the file Beta.txt for information about reporting bugs. AudioMulch 0.9 Beta 12 - Known Bugs and Issues ---------------------------------------------- COMMONLY ENCOUNTERED UNRESOLVED AUDIOMULCH BUGS - AudioMulch may freeze on startup with Creameware Pulsar cards if you encounter this problem please report it to - Opening a sound file which has been opened for SoundOut recording in another contraption will result in a crash. - Trying to record to a sound file which is open in another application may cause an "assertion failure" error. - Right clicking on note cell in the Bassline contraption brings up both note entry window and right click menu. - Bassline cells can be toggled with the space bar, but this conflicts with starting and stopping the transport clock. - Automating SoundIn.Location or FilePlayer.Location causes an endless cascade of invalid floating point operation messages. Don't automate SoundIn.Location. - SDelay may produce glitchy output when AudioMulch is syncing to an external MIDI clock and the delay time is specified in semiquavers. A workaround is to specify the delay time in milliseconds. - Arpeggiator into bassline sometimes clicks or glitches on note changes - An error may occur when trying to use SoundIn with a half-duplex sound card. - Parameter value hints may not be displayed correctly with some system font settings. COMPATIBILITY AND 3rd PARTY ISSUES - Using AudioMulch and ICQ client at the same time may cause a 'Blue Screen of Death' - Some GRM tools plugins are known to leak resources every time you display their GUI. This will eventually result in a crash due to exhaustion of system resources. To avoid this problem, leave GRM tools GUI editors open. GRM has informed us that this problem has been resolved in the latest version of the GRM plugins. - Crashes with 'Access Violation' when running two copies of the mdaTracker VST plugin and trying to view the editors for both at once ( this is a bug in mdaTracker and has been fixed in the latest mda release ) - Using MIDI sync via Hubi's MIDI Loopback device with a sequencer on the same computer causes erratic syncronisation (wild tempo deviations) - Poor performance has been reported with some soundblaster cards. - Attempting to use the largest audio buffer sizes (64k) with some Turtle Beach soundcards causes the turtle beach drivers to become corrupted. - Using FruityLoops VSTi with a time offset of 0 will result in the first note of the FruityLoops sequence to be missed - this is a known bug in FruityLoops. ###